Tuesday, November 28, 2017

All About Guardian Angels And Archangels - Spiritual Diva

All About Guardian Angels and Archangels - Spiritual Diva Jewelry
   A guardian angel is a master soul who was first born of all creation and created by god. They are direct servants and messengers of god, who are immortal, and have never lived in human form. Every person is born with a team of angels. These angels are equipped with skills that guide and help a person based on their soul purpose.
 Guardian Angels - Spiritual Diva   Guardian angels are constantly guiding us through signs. Angels will not interfere with our free will. They help people to the degree that they want to be helped. So, it is important to ask for their assistance. Guardian Angels often leave signs of their presence to guide you in the right direction. Some signs may include repetitive number sequences, finding feathers or coins, sparks of light, seeing rainbows, or even a feeling you get. These signs may come when you have asked for help, or are having a tough day, or you need an answer to a question. The signs they leave may be small at first, but once acknowledged, and appreciated they often increase in size and frequency. Ask for signs, then pay attention. Nothing is a coincidence.
Archangels - spiritual diva    Archangels are considered as being a high level in the celestial hierarchy, or a high ranking angel. All archangels are known as protectors for all mankind, and can help with finding solutions to human problems. They over see and guide other guardian angels who are with us on earth. They are known for their ability to be in more than one place at a time. The exact number of archangels is unclear, but the seven most well known are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Zadkiel, and Raziel.
  Each archangel has designated duties to help you with your soul purpose. Each one is associated with a color, and vibrates with specific crystal energy. The light waves for the seven angel colors and crystals vibrate at different electromagnetic frequencies in the universe, attracting the angels that vibrate at a similar frequency. Below is a description of each archangel's color, crystal, and purpose . 
Archangel Michael color purple crystal Sugilite - Spiritual Diva  Archangel Michael is the leading angel who protects, defends, and fights evil with the power of good. He is the angel of truth, integrity, courage and strength. Archangel Michael assists in situations where you are afraid, confused or concerned for your safety. He helps to release doubts and fears, supports us in making life changes, and aids in the cutting of energetic cords. He is known to escort souls into the afterlife after death. Archangel Michael resonates with the color of deep purple, and he is associated with the crystal Sugilite . 
Archangel Gabriel color orange copper crystal citrine - Spiritual Diva  Archangel Gabriel is known as an angelic messenger of god. He helps writers teachers and journalists to convey their messages. Gabriel assists with new ventures related to ones soul purpose, and aids in prophecy and visions. He is known as the angel of children, and assists parents to conceive, adopt, and raise their children. Archangel Gabriel resonates with the color orange or copper and is associated with the crystal Citrine

Archangel Raphael malachite green - Spiritual Diva Jewelry Archangel Raphael assists in physical and emotional healing, and helping healers in their practices. He is the patron saint of the medical profession, and can also guide a person to the appropriate healing professional. Raphael helps with addictions, keeping you safe during travel, and with restoring peace and harmony. He often works with Archangel Michael to help you to release fears and stress which may be affecting your mental and physical well being. Archangel Raphael resonates with the color green and is associated  with the crystal vibration of Malachite. 
Archangel Uriel color red crystal Amber - Spiritual Diva Jewelry Archangel Uriel is known as the angel of wisdom and light. He brings divine light into your life by helping you to release painful emotions. Uriel helps you to make peace with your past by helping you to forgive. Uriel shows us how to find blessing through adversity, and how to turn disappointments into victories. Archangel Uriel is the angel of transformation, who guides and pushes us forward in manifesting our dreams by filling the mind with new ideas. Uriel helps us to take responsibility for our own lives, and to see our full potential. Archangel Uriel resonates with the color red and is associated with the stone Amber.
Archangel Chamuel color pink crystal Rose Quartz - Spiritual Diva Jewelry Archangel Chamuel is the angel of unconditional love and peace. Chamuel assists with building and strengthening relationships, and finding a soulmate. Archangel Chamuel helps to heal emotional wounds that prevent you from loving yourself, and with strengthening parent child bonds. Call on Chamuel if you are spreading yourself too thin, by always doing for others and not yourself, or when you are experiencing self loathing. Archangel Chamuel resonates with the color pink and is associated with the crystal Rose Quartz.
 Archangel zadkiel color blue crystal Lapis Lazuli - Spiritual Diva Jewelry Archangel Zadkiel is the angel of comfort, prayer, and mercy. Zadkiel assists those who are depressed or feel despair. He helps us forgive ourselves and others, and to let go of judgements and grudges. He encourages us to turn to god for the mercy and forgiveness we need to emotionally heal and overcome sin. Zadkiel assists in helping your mind to let go of negativity, and with having a positive attitude. He helps you to release lower vibrations and ascend into a higher way of being. He resonates with the color indigo blue or light blue and is associated with the crystals Lapis Lazuli and Blue Lace Agate.
Archangel Raziel color rainbow crystal Clear Quartz - Spiritual Diva JewelryArchangel Raziel is the angel of spiritual insight. His name means "Secret Of God". He is believed to reveal holy secrets when given permission from god. He is also known as the angel of prosperity and abundance. Raziel helps bring to light all of the lessons your soul has accumulated over time, and assists you in applying them them to your present life's purpose. Raziel helps you to release spiritual and psychic blocks through dream interpretations and past life memories, that prevent you from moving forward on your soul's journey. He resonates with all colors of the rainbow and is associated with the crystal Clear Quartz.
   Crystals with a very high vibration mixed with communication based crystals are also good to use for connecting with the angelic realm. Angelite, Prehnite, Clear Quartz, and Labradorite are good examples for general based angel communication. I use these crystals in the Guardian Angel Collection.
  When connecting with angels and archangels, meditation is a great method. Meditiation raises your vibration making it easier for you to receive divine guidance. Remember, angels will not interfere with our free will, so it is important to ask for our angels help. Meditation is a great way to do this.
Here is a simple meditation I like to do.
. Sit in a quiet place holding your crystals of choice in your left hand (you can do this without crystals also)
. Envision yourself surrounded by the angel of choice's colored light (for example when trying to connect with Archangel Michael, envision yourself surrounded by a deep purple light)
. when you breathe in, envision this colored light filling your body 
. when you breathe out, envision this same light getting bigger and brighter
. This is the time to mentally ask for signs, information, or how you would like to be divinely guided. 
. do this for at least 5 minutes.
   Angel signs and guidance may be subtle at first. It is important to pay attention, and remember there is no such thing as coincidence. Always express gratitude for signs angels give, and you will begin to experience them more frequently. 
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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Empath Crystal Protection Against Energy Vampires - Spiritual Diva

Empath Crystal Protection Against Energy Vampires - Spiritual Diva
   Every day we encounter many energies from different kinds of people, some positive and some negative. Have you ever noticed how you feel when spending time with certain people? When spending time with positive people it makes us feel good, but spending time with negative people who drain your energy, can make us feel physically and emotionally drained and exhausted. These people are called "Energy Vampires"!
  Energy Vampire and Empath - Spiritual Diva  If you are an Intuitive empath like myself, or someone who is sensitive to the energies of others, it can be torture to be around these kinds of people. You can actually take on the pain of others either emotionally or physically. Energy vampires tend to be drawn to compassionate, sensitive people. These individuals can be drama filled, malicious, overbearing, or even be oblivious to the negative energy they exude. Energy vampires can even be family members, spouses, or co workers, which makes it difficult to get away from them. Energy Vampires usually have a lower energetic vibration. As an attempt to heal their inner turmoil, they will energetically drain the person with a higher energetic vibration. This is usually something they are not even intentionally aware of. However, it is important for you to understand that you are not responsible for resolving their issues. Being an empath makes you an extremely compassionate person, due to the fact that you can feel the emotions of others. However it is them who is responsible for sorting out their own drama and emotional turmoil, NOT you.
  Whenever possible, it is very important for you well being to distance yourself from energy vampires. However, we can't always control who we have to be around. Some of these people are family members or co workers. So, unless you quit your job or move far away, you will need to find ways to protect your energy field. There are many crystals that you can keep within your aura to protect you from energy vampires. These crystals can be carried as tumbled stones, worn on jewelry, or kept in your workspace.
Here are my crystal suggestions for protection against these energy sucking individuals.
labradorite - Spiritual Diva Jewelry Labradorite can protect your aura from energy vampires by deflecting negative energies. It creates a shielding force around you, and can help to block people's energies and problems from invading your energetic space.  Labradorite enhances your intuition which can be helpful for knowing which people to stay clear of. 
Black Tourmaline - Spiritual Diva Jewelry  Black Tourmaline is one of the best protection gemstones you can wear. It not only removes negative energy, but changes it to positive energy. It has an excellent effect on your well being. It is a strong grounding stone. It offers protection from psychic attack, negative entities, and energies from others and your surroundings. Black Tourmaline helps to release stress, anxiety, and depression. This is helpful for empaths who take on the negative emotions of others.
Citrine - Spiritual Diva Jewelry Citrine is a crystal that promotes happiness and well being. It holds no negative energy, so it never needs clearing. It emits large amounts of positive energy and clears overpowering negative energy. Citrine can release the energies of those who are attaching themselves to your auric field, and helps to prevent them from reconnecting. 
Selenite - Spiritual Diva JewelrySelenite is an extremely high vibrational crystal. It has the ability to self cleanse and recharge itself. It can also cleanse other crystals. Selenite is a highly protective stone. It acts to shield our aura from negative energy and outside influences. It can also be used to cut energetic cords or ties with others. Energetic cords are psychic attachments or energetic ties of invisible energy between two people. Whenever I feel that a negative energetic cord has been formed with an energy vampire, I write their name on a piece of paper and put a piece of selenite on top of it. I actually keep a large selenite tower in the
Cutting energetic cords - spiritual Divasalon I own. For more information on this subject read my blog Cutting Energetic Cords and Attachments 

Whenever I need to be around energy vampires this is a meditation I like to do.

. Hold these 4 crystals in your left hand (you can even do this without crystals)
. Take a deep breath in and imagine a white light filling your body 
. when you breathe out envision a white light or protective bubble surrounding you
. set an intention that no one else's energy can penetrate this bubble 

I hope you found this blog helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions below. I would be happy to answer them
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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Five Signs You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening - Spiritual Diva

Five signs you are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening - Spiritual Diva
  Have you ever felt "There has to be more to life"? Have you ever felt a longing for a life of purpose and meaning? When you are experience a spiritual awakening these are questions you might often ask yourself. Sometimes during this time we can also find ourselves feeling alone, isolated, confused and directionless. We all have a journey on our path to enlightenment filled with lessons and blessings. Each one put in our lives to ascend us into higher consciousness. This is a truly amazing thing, however as we shed our old ways and unlearn false beliefs, it can be scary and uncomfortable. Overcoming fear of the unknown, and learning to trust, is a lesson most of us need to learn on our journey.
Here are five telltale signs you are experiencing a spiritual awakening, along with crystal suggestions to help you along the way.
1.  The need to be alone
   When you begin a spiritual awakening, many feel the need to be alone. Spending time alone gives you time to ponder your thoughts and sort through feelings. Many who experience a spiritual awakening will be very sensitive to the energy of others, therefore being around negative people with a lower vibration will feel bad. It is hard at first to discern your energy from the energy of others. When you are alone you will only have to deal with your own energy. Don't worry this won't be forever, just until you adjust to the energy of others. Being alone also gives you the opportunity to meditate. Meditation helps us to get insights about what our next step should be on our journey. It helps you to go within, and raises your vibration. When you have a higher vibration you will feel better, and things will magically unfold.
2. You feel totally lost
   When starting on your spiritual journey, sometimes you will feel like something is missing from your life, but you don't know exactly what it is. The things that were important to you in the past will change. You will feel like the people in your life don't understand you, or don't think the way you do. This can make you feel lost and alone. You will begin to search for people and relationships that have a deeper meaning, and be drawn to like minded people. This is temporary, and soon people and places will be presented to you that are meant to advance you on your spiritual path. You will soon feel more comfortable in your own skin, and that your life has a greater purpose.
3.  You begin to outgrow people or places
   As you become more spiritually enlightened, you will vibrate at a higher level. You will begin to outgrow people and places that vibrate at a lower level. Not everyone that started with you on your journey in life will finish with you, and thats okay. Wish them well, learn the lessons they were meant to teach you, and move on. Your inner peace will become sacred. Your friend's dramas, and conflict of any kind will not interest you, and make you feel uncomfortable. The universe has a way of sending new people and places, that serve your higher purpose. 
4.  You experience synchronicities
  There is no such thing as coincidence. You are going to begin to experience events and especially psychic events that are meant as signs that you are on the right path. You will soon find yourself in situations where you will be magically be "at the right place and the right time". Thoughts and visions will become realities when you learn how to decipher the signs your spirit guides send to you. The right people and places will be placed in your path to help you along the way. Trust that everything happens for a reason good or bad, and will make room for the things that are right for you. 
5.  The need to be your authentic self
  You will begin to see through the superficial things in life that are an illusion. You will feel less of a need to put on heirs for people, or to impress them. You will have a mindset that as long as your actions come from a place of love and compassion, you won't care what people think of you. You will distance yourself from those that you can't be yourself around, and your intuition will let you know who is genuine.  Living your truth and trusting your journey will be your main priority, and you begin to let go of ego based thought. Every person has special qualities that make them unique. You will begin to realize and embrace the special qualities you posses that can make a difference in the world, and in other peoples lives.
   Crystals and gemstones can assist you with the awakening of your souls desires. They can help you to connect with the spiritual realm, and can help to light the path to understanding your soul's journey. Below are a few of my favorites. Hold these crystals in your left hand during meditation, or wear them as jewelry for clarity, connection, and wisdom.
Lapis Lazuli - Spiritual diva Lapis Lazuli Stimulates wisdom, good judgment and inner truth. It relieves stress and protects against negative energy from others. Lapis Lazuli helps us to tap into our personal and spiritual power.
Prehnite - Spiritual Diva Jewelry

 Prehnite Increases your ability to receive angelic communications, the guidance of spirit beings and the wisdom of your own Higher Self. It encourages deep meditative states and the will to carry out the desires of the heart, and helps you to recognize your personal power.
Apopyllite spiritual Awakening Crystal - Spiritual Diva Jewelry

Apophyllite stones are powerful tools to aid you to become spiritually uplifted. It helps you to release negative energy, stress, anxiety, and tension. It aids you to be happier,calmer, and at peace, while giving you energetic balance, and infusing your auric field with high vibrational energy from the spiritual and angelic realms. These crystals will stimulate the Third Eye Chakra, intensifying your inner vision, psychic ability, and clearing any blockages in the Crown Chakra. This stone is excellent for clarity of thought and self love.
 Kyanite Spiritual Awakening Crystal - Spiritual Diva  Kyanite aligns and unblocks the Chakras. It is a high vibrational crystal of connection that enhances telepathic and psychic abilities. It encourages self expression and speaking ones truth. Kyanite encourages you to identify with the uniqueness of yourself, and how it can be used for your souls journey on earth.
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