Monday, December 26, 2016

Conquering Fear Of Change & Using Crystals To Help With Transition

 Conquering Fear Of Change & Using Crystals To Help With Transition - Spiritual Diva jewelry

Change is very hard for most of us. It is the fear of the unknown that makes it scary, but in order to grow and better ourselves we all must embrace change. We have all felt stuck at one point in our lives. This is truly a horrible feeling, but what's even worse is the thought of staying stuck in that very place forever. We all know that in order to move past that feeling change needs to take place, but many of us are so afraid of the unknown that we stay places we don't belong, or with people or places that no longer serve us . Everything you want in your life lives on the other side of fear.
  I made a pact with myself on New Years Eve 2016 that every time I found myself afraid of something I would make myself conquer it. I knew that my fear of the unknown was what was holding me back in life. I grew up in a very sheltered home in a small town in Massachusetts, with amazing parents and a great childhood. However, I grew up protected from life and was never allowed to fall on my face or fail. Everything was fixed or done for me before that happened. Therefore, I never had the confidence to know that if I fell, I could pick myself up and be ok. ( I know, poor me right? lol) 
  Since last year, and keeping my pact with myself, I have opened my own salon, built my own website, and even jumped off a bridge ( Not a super high one, but it still counts, because it was SCARY). Every step I took was anxiety ridden, stressful and scary for me, but a year later this has truly been the year I became "unstuck". I can now cross those things off my list as scary things, because they don't scare me anymore. I have grown in ways I never could have imagined . I am stronger, and have the confidence I never had. I finally grew up at 42, but better late then never!
  I have always been a firm believer in the power of crystals and everything metaphysical. I am very intuitive and this is the year I decided to finally listen to my guides. I found that certain crystals helped me along my journey, and it is my great pleasure to be able to share them with you...... I will list them below and explain how. 
Angelite Spiritual DivaAngelite is a very calming stone. It helps you to replace the old with the new, and open your mind to new possibilities . It helps with purifying the emotional body. I have found it one of my favorite stones for times when I find it emotionally difficult to deal with a situation. It is also helps you  to connect with your angels and spirit guides. Angelite is a throat chakra stone, which specifically aids in spiritual based communication. This stone also resonates with the third eye chakra and the crown chakra making it easier to bring through the energy of spirits from the other side, or loved ones who have passed over. This can enable spiritual guidance on which steps to take for emotional healing.
prehnite Spiritual Diva Prehnite can help to shed light and understand the path to your life's journey. It helps you to focus your efforts to seek knowledge. Prehnite is both a heart chakra and solar plexus chakra crystal. This helps you to achieve things from a heart based perspective, and gives you the will to carry it out . It helps to take the worry out of decisions. Prehnite helps you to develop your intuition. It has an extremely high vibration which will help you to connect with the angelic realm. I find it the most useful if i hold it in my left had during meditation. I usually find my intuition is very accurate when I use this crystal, which guides me towards the right choices.
labradorite Labradorite will help you to make sense of your destiny. It helps you to cope with the fears associated with change. Labradorite helps reduce social anxiety and impulsive behavior . It has a calming effect on the negative parts of our personality. This crystal has helped me with my tendency to rush into impulsive decisions. Labradorite enhances faith and trust in the universe. It enhances the psychic and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy and coincidence control. It promotes communication with higher guides and spirits, and helps keep you grounded and energetically protected.
 Garnet Spiritual Diva Jewelry Garnet prevents fear and insecurity. It is a crystal of passion and manifestation. It's energy grounds your desires and dreams into reality. Garnet alleviates emotional disharmony , and sharpens your perception of yourself and others. I find that whenever I wear this crystal, I can get a better intuitive read on who is trustworthy. Garnet helps to release old judgments, and to see yourself and others as they really are, rather then through a fear based perception. It also helps with self sabotage and  a positive outlook, helping you to see the light at the end of the tunnel while giving you the confidence to know you will get there.
  Change doesn't happen overnight, but keeping yourself in a positive inner state , overcoming the fear, and truly knowing you can do whatever your heart has a passion for, will get you there faster then you could have ever imagined. I used to be afraid of the world, and now I feel like there is nothing that can get in the way of the things I want to accomplish .... conquering one fear at a time .
If you liked this blog read more about Crystals To Make 2017 A Better Year
Visit my website for healing crystal Reiki jewelry for every purpose.
 Spiritual Diva Jewelry
  Spiritual Diva PROSPERITY ABUNDANCE Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Angel Charm Bracelet Spiritual diva Guardian Angel Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Clasp Bracelet
  Guardian Angel Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Charm Bracelet PROSPERITY ABUNDANCE Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Luck Bracelet
 Guardian Angel Mens olive wood gemstone reiki Bracelet Spiritual Diva

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