Monday, December 26, 2016

Conquering Fear Of Change & Using Crystals To Help With Transition

 Conquering Fear Of Change & Using Crystals To Help With Transition - Spiritual Diva jewelry

Change is very hard for most of us. It is the fear of the unknown that makes it scary, but in order to grow and better ourselves we all must embrace change. We have all felt stuck at one point in our lives. This is truly a horrible feeling, but what's even worse is the thought of staying stuck in that very place forever. We all know that in order to move past that feeling change needs to take place, but many of us are so afraid of the unknown that we stay places we don't belong, or with people or places that no longer serve us . Everything you want in your life lives on the other side of fear.
  I made a pact with myself on New Years Eve 2016 that every time I found myself afraid of something I would make myself conquer it. I knew that my fear of the unknown was what was holding me back in life. I grew up in a very sheltered home in a small town in Massachusetts, with amazing parents and a great childhood. However, I grew up protected from life and was never allowed to fall on my face or fail. Everything was fixed or done for me before that happened. Therefore, I never had the confidence to know that if I fell, I could pick myself up and be ok. ( I know, poor me right? lol) 
  Since last year, and keeping my pact with myself, I have opened my own salon, built my own website, and even jumped off a bridge ( Not a super high one, but it still counts, because it was SCARY). Every step I took was anxiety ridden, stressful and scary for me, but a year later this has truly been the year I became "unstuck". I can now cross those things off my list as scary things, because they don't scare me anymore. I have grown in ways I never could have imagined . I am stronger, and have the confidence I never had. I finally grew up at 42, but better late then never!
  I have always been a firm believer in the power of crystals and everything metaphysical. I am very intuitive and this is the year I decided to finally listen to my guides. I found that certain crystals helped me along my journey, and it is my great pleasure to be able to share them with you...... I will list them below and explain how. 
Angelite Spiritual DivaAngelite is a very calming stone. It helps you to replace the old with the new, and open your mind to new possibilities . It helps with purifying the emotional body. I have found it one of my favorite stones for times when I find it emotionally difficult to deal with a situation. It is also helps you  to connect with your angels and spirit guides. Angelite is a throat chakra stone, which specifically aids in spiritual based communication. This stone also resonates with the third eye chakra and the crown chakra making it easier to bring through the energy of spirits from the other side, or loved ones who have passed over. This can enable spiritual guidance on which steps to take for emotional healing.
prehnite Spiritual Diva Prehnite can help to shed light and understand the path to your life's journey. It helps you to focus your efforts to seek knowledge. Prehnite is both a heart chakra and solar plexus chakra crystal. This helps you to achieve things from a heart based perspective, and gives you the will to carry it out . It helps to take the worry out of decisions. Prehnite helps you to develop your intuition. It has an extremely high vibration which will help you to connect with the angelic realm. I find it the most useful if i hold it in my left had during meditation. I usually find my intuition is very accurate when I use this crystal, which guides me towards the right choices.
labradorite Labradorite will help you to make sense of your destiny. It helps you to cope with the fears associated with change. Labradorite helps reduce social anxiety and impulsive behavior . It has a calming effect on the negative parts of our personality. This crystal has helped me with my tendency to rush into impulsive decisions. Labradorite enhances faith and trust in the universe. It enhances the psychic and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy and coincidence control. It promotes communication with higher guides and spirits, and helps keep you grounded and energetically protected.
 Garnet Spiritual Diva Jewelry Garnet prevents fear and insecurity. It is a crystal of passion and manifestation. It's energy grounds your desires and dreams into reality. Garnet alleviates emotional disharmony , and sharpens your perception of yourself and others. I find that whenever I wear this crystal, I can get a better intuitive read on who is trustworthy. Garnet helps to release old judgments, and to see yourself and others as they really are, rather then through a fear based perception. It also helps with self sabotage and  a positive outlook, helping you to see the light at the end of the tunnel while giving you the confidence to know you will get there.
  Change doesn't happen overnight, but keeping yourself in a positive inner state , overcoming the fear, and truly knowing you can do whatever your heart has a passion for, will get you there faster then you could have ever imagined. I used to be afraid of the world, and now I feel like there is nothing that can get in the way of the things I want to accomplish .... conquering one fear at a time .
If you liked this blog read more about Crystals To Make 2017 A Better Year
Visit my website for healing crystal Reiki jewelry for every purpose.
 Spiritual Diva Jewelry
  Spiritual Diva PROSPERITY ABUNDANCE Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Angel Charm Bracelet Spiritual diva Guardian Angel Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Clasp Bracelet
  Guardian Angel Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Charm Bracelet PROSPERITY ABUNDANCE Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Luck Bracelet
 Guardian Angel Mens olive wood gemstone reiki Bracelet Spiritual Diva

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Ten Healing Crystals To Make 2017 A Better Year Spiritual Diva

Crystals and gemstones are a part of my everyday life. I have them in every room of my home, the salon I own, In my car, and I wear them on jewelry every day. I truly believe in the power of crystals and their ability to enhance your life, protect your energetic field, and manifest your desires. 
   You vibrate at a certain level depending on your mental and physical state . Crystals vibrate at a different levels, and when you have them in your auric or energy field they raise your vibration to meet its own. They coincide with your energy centers called Chakras. Crystals help to unblock your chakras, and clear your energy centers of stuck and negative energy. This makes you vibrate at a higher level. When we vibrate at a higher level , we are less depressed, healthier, more intuitive, and are able to attract the things in life that vibrate at a higher level. In order to manifest the things we desire we need to be an energetic match to that very thing .
Read my blog on How Crystals and Gemstones Help to Manifest Your Desires
Below are my top 10 recommendations for raising your vibration, keeping you in a positive inner state, and manifesting your desires in 2017

1. Black Tourmaline 
Black Tourmaline rough Spiritual DivaBlack Tourmaline is one of the best crystals to protect you from negative energy from people and your surroundings. Being intuitive, I am extremely sensitive to negative energy. It makes me feel bad, and exhausted. I almost always have one on me, or near me. Weather Its in a piece of jewelry I wear, a tumbled stone in my pocket, or a big sphere in my space. Black Tourmaline not only protects your auric field, but it takes negative energy and transmutes it to positive energy. It is also a great grounding stone, helps with depression, fear, and is good for clearing your root chakra . I use Black Tourmaline on my Protection Collection.
2. Kyanite 
kyanite Spiritual DivaKyanite is a very high vibrational stone. It does not hold negative energy, so it never needs to be cleared . I own so many crystals, that sometimes it's hard to clear them all of energy they might acquire, but I I always know I can use kyanite as my go to crystal. Kyanite is a great crystal to keep on or near you. It has the amazing ability to align and unblock all your chakras. I find that it vibrates at such a high frequency, that when I meditate with it, or have it on me, my intuition is always spot on. Kyanite can also be used for telepathy, if you and another person both own a piece. It is also a great stone for pain relief.I use it on my Chronic Pain Collection for this reason. If I place a piece on my forehead when I have a migraine, It's gone within a half hour.
Read my full blog on Crystals For Chronic Pain Relief
3. Amethyst
Amethyst Spiritual Diva JewelryAmethyst has so many uses, I actually use it 3 of my jewelry collections. Stress and AnxietyProtection, and Give Me Strength. It relieves Stress and Anxiety, and provides calmness patience. It helps with releasing anger and fear driven emotions. Amethyst can show us how to let go and trust, so we can see beyond thy cycle that consumes us. This is a stone of transformation, promoting inner peace and strength in times of grief and depression. Amethyst is also an amazing crystal for psychic protection.  It also helps with addictions and repairing holes in our aura. I always keep an Amethyst sphere on my nightstand , because it relaxes my mind. I often will hold a piece in my left hand during meditation when i am anxious or stressed. 
4. Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz Spiritual Diva JewelryRose quartz is a must have for attracting love, your soulmate, or when you need to learn how to truly love yourself. Which is why I use it on my Soulmate Collection. I must say, every time I have met someone whom I have had a long relationship with, I have been carrying or wearing Rose Quartz. Its nurturing vibration teaches us to mother ourselves, and to have self compassion. It helps transmute heavy, sorrowful energies into a lighter, positive energy. Rose quartz unblocks your heart chakra, and helps you let go of self sabotaging beliefs, which is a must to attract and keep love. It also increases fertility and provides energetic protection during pregnancy and childbirth. I use Rose Quartz on my Fertility and Pregnancy Collection. 
5. Jade
Jade crystal Blog spiritual DivaJade is known as the "stone of luck". It carries the vibration to attract money and love into you life . It creates a positive attitude towards money, thus working with the law of attraction to attract things at a similar vibration. It helps to let go of the feeling of lack, and fear of lack. I use it on my Prosperity and Abundance Collection for this reason. Jade is also great for feelings of grief and depression. It is a “Crystal of Tranquility”. It  Soothes the emotions and helps keep peace. It provides a sense of self-worth and strength to endure painful situations. It promotes harmony and balance through emotional detachment. Jade is an excellent stone for recovery after a traumatic experience. I use it on my Give Me Strength Collection for this reason.
6. Citrine
Citrine Spiritual Diva jewelryCitrine is a crystal of happiness. It is also another crystal that holds no negative energy and emits large amounts of positive energy. It serves as a reminder to be in the now. It encourages you to maintain a positive state of mind to attract everything you want in life. Which is why I use Citrine on my Pure Joy Collection. Citrine is often called the Merchant Stone, this stone increases cash flow and teaches us to attract and keep wealth, prosperity, and success by removing negative energy and raising your vibration. I keep a piece of Citrine in the cash drawer at the salon I own. I use it on my Prosperity and Abundance Collection.
7. Selenite
My Selenite TowerSelenite is one of my favorite crystals in which I use to cut energetic cords or ties with people. Energetic cords are psychic attachments or energetic ties of invisible energy between two people or a past situations that hold a strong emotional pull with another person. These same cords have a way of keeping things and people in your energetic field that you no longer want in your life .  Selenite is a highly protective stone. It acts to shield our aura from outside influences . I actually own a 1.5 foot selenite tower. I will write a person's name on a piece of paper. cutting energetic cords Spiritual DivaI then take my selenite stick or tower and place it on top of it. You can also carry a tumbled stone with you, or hold it in your left hand during meditation. This will ensure the energy cords stay cut and will prevent future attachments. Selenite is another crystal that does not need to be cleared . You can actually clear other crystals with it. I place my jewelry on a selenite stick to clear it after wearing. If there is someone you need to release in 2017 read my blog on Cutting Energetic Cords.
 cutting energetic cords spiritual diva jewelry 
Moonstone Spiritual Diva Blog
8. Moonstone
Moonstone has always been a crystal that has fascinated me. With its gleaming iridescent flash and reflection of light, I almost feel like it draws you into its own mystical world. Moonstone can be white, peach, or grey, However I choose to put white Rainbow Moonstone on my jewelry because I love the way its energy radiates, not to mention it's beautiful! It is is a stone for new beginnings, inner growth, and strength. It soothes emotional instability, and stabilizes emotions providing calmness. Rainbow Moonstone provides psychic protection, and aids in lucid dreaming, and acts as a prism,diffusing energy throughout the aura. It enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success, and good fortune in love and business matters. It aids in digestion, eliminates toxins, and fluid retention. It alleviates degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, and eyes. I will say that Moonstone is my all time favorite crystal for fertility and hormonal balance. It powerfully affects the female reproductive system, enhancing fertility and promoting a healthy pregnancy. It helps with PMS, and Menopause, and lets just say , I love that it helps with water retention. I use Moonstone on my New Mom CollectionFertility and Pregnancy Collection and my Beauty Inside and Out Collection
9. Apophyllite 
Apophyllite Spiritual Diva BlogApophyllite stones are super powerful. They aid you to become spiritually uplifted. It helps you to release negative energy, stress, anxiety, and tension. It aids you to be happier, calmer, and more at peace, while giving you energetic balance and infusing your auric field with high vibrational energy from the spiritual and angelic realms. These crystals will stimulate and clear the Third Eye Chakra, intensifying your inner vision, psychic ability, and clearing any blockages in the crown chakra. I wear an apophyllite point or use it as a dowsing pendulum whenever I need intuitive answers to questions from my guides. This stone is excellent for clarity of thought and self love. Physically, Apophyllite is helpful for respiratory issues and allergies. It is also useful for vision and tired eyes. It improves memory and promotes structure and organization in daily life.
10. Shungite
Shungite Blog Spiritual Diva Shungite is without a doubt my #1 recommendation. It is my favorite crystal for so many reasons. It is a MUST have in 2017! Shungite is said to calm and relax anyone using or near it. This is due to its protective energies and rejection of negative energy. It provides shielding and protection from EMF electromagnetic radiation . It is the only known natural material known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. It is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life, and it has active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers. Shungite water Spiritual Diva JewelryShungite can even purify water ! I use a large pitcher with Shungite chips and let the stones clear and infuse the water with healing energy. Shungite  infuses your auric field with light,dispels negative energy, and it allows only positive and beneficial energy to reach you. Shungite reading on OHM meter Spiritual Diva It is such a powerful crystal, that it even measures on an OHM meter .It also alleviates a wide variety of physical complaints such as heart difficulty, allergies, skin diseases, arthritis, hair and skin rejuvenation.

 Watch the video

 Wishing you the very best for 2017. Please let me know if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them. 

Visit my website for healing Crystal Reiki Jewelry for every purpose 

 Chronic Pain Relief Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Bracelet - Spiritual Diva   Black Tourmaline Hematite Healing Crystal Mens Gemstone Reiki Bracelet
Rose Quartz Bracelet Copper Spiritual Diva  Strength Grief Depression Healing Crystal Copper Reiki Clasp Bracelet - Spiritual Diva Jewelry
 Spiritual Diva SOULMATE Attract Love Healing Crystal Reiki Angel Gemstone Bracelet  FERTILITY PREGNANCY Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Angel IVF Bracelet

 Spiritual Diva Shungite Clear Quartz Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Bracelet  Shungite Kyanite Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone EMF Necklace Pendulum - Spiritual Diva Jewelry
  Shungite Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Choker Necklace Pendant - Spiritual Diva Jewelry  Selenite Clear Quartz Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Necklace Pendant
 Rainbow Moonstone Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Charm Bracelet  Moonstone Healing Crystal Black Silver Reiki Choker Gemstone Necklace - Spiritual Diva Jewelry
 Spiritual Diva Jewelry PROSPERITY ABUNDANCE Healing Crystal Reiki Angel Gemstone Bracelet  PROSPERITY ABUNDANCE Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Copper Luck Bracelet - Spiritual Diva Jewelry
apopyllite Moonstone Labradorite Necklace Spiritual Diva

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Healing Crystals For Getting Over A Breakup Spiritual Diva Jewelry

  Breakups can be devastating. We have all been there. Sometimes we experience such a feeling of loss, that we can wonder if we will ever feel joy again. That feeling your heart is literally splitting in two, is coming from your heart chakra . Strong emotions we feel after a breakup can cause our heart chakra to become out of balance . Crystals and gemstones can help to balance this energy center, and help with feelings of despair by raising your vibration. When your vibration is higher, You feel better, and it is easier to stay in a positive inner state.

Visit My Website for healing Crystal Reiki jewelry for every purpose 
 Spiritual Diva Jewelry

Friday, December 9, 2016

Crystals For Getting Over A Breakup And Healing Your Heart Chakra

  Crystals for getting over a break Up Healing Heart chakra - Spiritual Diva
  Breakups can be devastating. We have all been there. Sometimes we experience such a feeling of loss, that we can wonder if we will ever feel joy again. That feeling your heart is literally splitting in two, is coming from your heart chakra . Strong emotions we feel after a breakup can cause our heart chakra to become out of balance . Crystals and gemstones can help to balance this energy center, and help with feelings of despair by raising your vibration. When your vibration is higher, You feel better, and it is easier to stay in a positive inner state. Below are a some of my favorites. 
 Kunzite Moonstone Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Copper S Clasp Bracelet - Spiritual Diva JewelryPink Kunzite 
   Pink Kunzite encourages one to release emotional pain, and to be receptive to receive unconditional love. It helps relieve heartache over loss or separation, and in overcoming heartbreak after a relationship breakup. It is helpful to those who have closed themselves off from life and others , to protect themselves emotionally. Pink Kunzite will help with you to let your guard down, and be able to let love in again. It cleanses your heat chakra and aura of negative vibrations and situations.
Pink Tourmaline
 Inner Beauty Healing Crystal Reiki Moonstone Aquamarine Angel Bracelet Spiritual Diva    Wearing or having Pink Tourmaline in your aura helps release stress, worries, depression and anxiety. It can be used with Black Tourmaline to diffuse obsessive behavior. It is an amazing crystal for cleansing your heart chakra of destructive thoughts and feelings, and guides us towards self love and compassion. Pink Tourmaline helps us to change old relationship patterns that no longer serve our best interest. It helps you to trust enough to open your heart again to someone new, and helps you recover your joy of life again

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz coper adjustable Love Bracelet Spiritual Diva Jewelry   Rose quartz is called the "Love Stone" It has comforting and soothing energy that will help to heal your heart chakra. It also lowers stress and soothes those around it. Rose Quartz helps with love in all aspects of life. Not only does Rose Quartz help with attracting new love, but will help you to love yourself. 


Selenite spiritual Diva Jewelry Cutting energetic cords
   Selenite is a crystal I use for cutting energetic cords. Selenite is a highly protective stone. It acts to shield our aura from outside influences. Energetic cords are psychic attachments or energetic ties of invisible energy between two people or a past situations that hold a strong emotional pull with another person. These same cords have a way of keeping things and people in your energetic field that you no longer want in your life .  Even when you end a relationship with another, unhealthy patterns from when you were together flow back and forth through that cord. Whenever I need to cut a cord with someone, I write their name on a piece of paper and put a selenite tower or stick on top of it. I actually wrote a whole blog on
 Cutting Energetic Cords Spiritual Diva Jewelry
 Cutting Energetic Cords. 
   Life is all about the journey. I know that sounds cliche, but its true. Every person that comes into your life is either a blessing or a lesson. Until you learn from your mistakes, you will keep repeating them over and over again. Until you change your vibrational energy , you will keep on attracting the same destructive relationship again and again. Love yourself and know your worth. Nothing raises your vibration higher then self love. When you truly own and love who you are, you will attract someone into your life that matches that vibration. Someone who is secure enough in themselves to love you the way you deserve. A person who has self love, does not need to tear you down to make themselves feel better.
Read my blog on 
  Attract Your Soulmate With Crystals & Gemstones - Spiritual Diva

Visit my website for healing crystal Reiki jewelry for every purpose 

  Rose Quartz Healing Crystal Rose Gold Angel Reiki Gemstone Bracelet  Pink Kunzite Moonstone Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Stretch Bracelet - Spiritual Diva Jewelry

  Pink Kunzite Healing Crystal Reiki Leather Copper Choker Necklace - Spiritual Diva Jewelry  Spiritual Diva Rose Quartz Love Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Lariat Y Necklace
 Rose Quartz Love Fertility Reiki Energy Healing Crystal Charm Bracelet - Spiritual diva Jewelry  INNER BEAUTY Healing Crystal Reiki Bracelet Copper Moonstone Tourmaline - Spiritual Diva
 Spiritual Diva Jewelry Soulmate Attract Love Healing Crystal Reiki Adjustable Gemstone Bracelet  Soulmate Energy Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Lariat Y Love Necklace - Spiritual Diva